Process Scheduling

Process Scheduling

  • 可能時機

    1. running -> waiting
    2. running -> ready
    3. waiting -> ready
    4. running -> terminate
  • Process Scheduler

    • Preemptive scheduler (Time slice)
      • 可以被搶占
    • Non-Preemptive scheduler
      • 又稱 cooperative scheduling
      • 只可能出現在時機 1 或 4
  • Classification fo Processes(related to scheduling)

    1. Interactive Processes (50 - 150 ms)
    2. Batch Processes
    3. Real time Processes
      • Hard
      • Soft
  • Classification of Processes(related to CPU usage)

    1. CPU Bound
    2. I/O Bound

Standard Scheduling Algorithm

  1. FCFS
  2. SJF
  3. SRTF
  4. Priority Based
  5. Highest Response Ratio Next
  6. Round Robin
  7. Virtual RR
  8. Multi-Level Queue Scheduler
  9. Multi-Level Feed Back Queue Scheduler
  10. Rotating Staircase Deadline Scheduler

UNIX SVR3 Scheduler

有 32 個 runqueue,每個 runqueue 負責 4 個 priority values

  • 128 Priority values

    • 0-49: Kernel
    • 50-127: User
  • $Priority_j=Base_j+CPU_j(i)+nice_j$

    • Base: 0-127
    • $CPU_j(i) = DR * CPU_j(i-1)$
      • DR = $\frac{1}{2}$
    • nice: -20 ~ +19
      • 可以用 nice 和 renice 改 process nice value


  • Query & set per process scheduling parameters

    1. Scheduling Policy
      • Real time
        1. SCHED_RR
        2. SCHED_FIFO
      • Conventional
        1. SCHED_NORMAL (default)
        2. SCHED_BATCH (CPU intensive)
        3. SCHED_ISO (unused)
        4. SCHED_IDLEPRIO (low pri jobs)
    2. Nice Value (-20 to +19)
    3. Static Priority (1-99)
    4. CPU affinity
      • process 想運行在某個指定的 CPU 上,不被轉移到其他 CPU,才不會降低指定 CPU 的 cache 命中率
        • soft CPU affinity
        • hard CPU affinity
      • cpus_allowed
        • 一個用來指定 CPU 的 mask
  • 1
      schedtool <PID>