


2023-2025 (expected)
MSc, Computer Science and Information Engineering; National Cheng Kung University
BSc, Computer Science and Engineering; National Taiwan Ocean University

Awards and Examination

2020 / 11
Silver Medal (Rank: 13/101), The 2020 ICPC Asia Taipei-Hsinchu Site Programming Contest
2024 / 01
$\mathbf{1^{st}}$ place, 2024 TSMC IT CareerHack (廠務知識機器人)
2021 / 12
solved: 7/7 problems (Rank: 2/2459), 大學程式能力檢定 (Collegiate Programming Examination, CPE)
2021 / 10
$\mathbf{4^{th}}$ place, 2021 National Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC)
2020 / 12
$\mathbf{3^{rd}}$ place, 2020 中區程式設計競賽 (Central Collegiate Programming Contest, CCPC)
2021 / 12
$\mathbf{2^{nd}}$ place, 2021 東華杯程式設計競賽大專組 ( National Dong Hwa University Programming Contest)


Vue、Pytorch、Flask、FastAPI、Express.js、Spring Boot
Git、Docker、Node.js、Kubernetes、Nginx、Azure DevOps


DevOps Engineer Intern; Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
Linux Server Administrator; National Cheng Kung University - Ubiquitous Sensing and Cloud Computing Lab
Adjunct research assistants; Advanced Computation Laboratory

Working Experience

Web File Browser System

Developed a tool for browsing files within specified containers in Kubernetes. The system allows users to navigate directories within a container, view text file contents, and download files. File downloads are implemented using streaming, eliminating the need to first download the entire file on the backend before transmitting it to the frontend. The frontend was built using React, while the backend was developed with Spring Boot, employing Mockito for creating mocks and stubs. The entire project was developed using Scrum methodology, with Azure DevOps used for project management and support.

Linux Server Administrator

Responsible for managing Linux servers equipped with public GPUs for the laboratory. Duties included creating and managing user accounts, addressing each user’s specific environment requirements, and utilizing Docker to set up containers. Ensured users could access their dedicated containers using their existing SSH private keys and install necessary libraries. Additionally, used LVM to dynamically expand disk space to accommodate the increasing storage demands as the number of laboratory members grew.

Real-time Fishing Vessel Detection at the Fishing Port
Multiple cameras are installed at the fishing port to obtain the camera images through RTSP and achieve the automated counting of fishing vessels at the port. The backend integrates YOLOv4, FastAPI, and some image processing techniques to recognize the received camera images. The frontend uses Vue as framework to provide detection results and harbor data for the past 48 hours.

Side Projects

This is an online clothing store that uses JWT to verify user permissions. Nginx is responsible for reverse proxying and web serving, while MariaDB is used for replication in a master-slave architecture. Finally, Docker is used to package the above components, along with the frontend and backend, into separate containers.

This is a cloud-based music player that offers the ability to upload local music, as well as download and listen to music from the cloud. The backend uses Fourier transform and other processing techniques to compute the spectrum of music at each moment. In addition to basic features, there is also a chat room function supported by socket.io, and MongoDB is used for data access.

This is a web frontend project without a backend, made using Three.js and Bootstrap, displaying the changing paths of the sun’s rotation in different latitudes and regions

This is a platform that allows people to find others to crowdfund with. The frontend is mainly composed of JavaFX, while the backend uses Flask as the framework. Users can post to find others to crowdfund with, or join other people’s posts. Users can also send and receive chat messages in real time, with notifications appearing on their operating system.


I enjoy drawing ACG themed artwork.

My work is primarily published on Pixiv or Twitter, with occasional posts on Reddit and Bahamut as well.

2024 / 05 - Silver Wolf

2024 / 02 - 楓丹的預言

2022 / 07 - Gura

2022 / 03 - アスカ

2021 / 08 - Sundae

2021 / 07 - Gawr Gura

2021 / 05 - CatShark

2020 / 02 - 牧瀨紅莉栖 メイドさん